Tokyo Gift Show | Japan's Largest Lifestyle & Gift Trade Show


DATE : 15-17 February 2023 (Wednesday - Friday)
COUNTRY / REGION : Tokyo,Japan
ADDRESS : Tokyo Big Sight
FORMAT : Hong Kong Pavilion



Each designer can participate in a maximum of 2 Hong Kong Atelier activities in Tokyo, Paris and Chicago, subject to the approval by the screening panel. The screening panel will also assign the designers to be featured in specific trade fairs according to the market potential of their design services in the fairs and markets concerned.

PARTICIPANTS : Hong Kong designer, offers design services, with a registered BRAND and substantial operation in Hong Kong. It is at Hong Kong Atelier Screening Panel’s discretion to accept or reject any applications.

INDUSTRY : Product,Graphic,Packaging and Interior Design
ORGANISER : Hong Kong Trade Development Council
SPONSOR : Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Someday Stationery trade show 07Someday Stationery trade show 07Someday Stationery trade show 07PARTICIPANTS Hong Kong designer, offers design services, with a registered BRAND and substantial operation in Hong Kong. It is at Hong Kong Atelier Screening Panel’s discretion to accept or reject any applications.  INDUSTRYProduct,Graphic,Packaging and Interior Design ORGANISERHong Kong Trade Development Council SPONSORCreate Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionPARTICIPANTS Hong Kong designer, offers design services, with a registered BRAND and substantial operation in Hong Kong. It is at Hong Kong Atelier Screening Panel’s discretion to accept or reject any applications.  INDUSTRYProduct,Graphic,Packaging and Interior Design ORGANISERHong Kong Trade Development Council SPONSORCreate Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionPARTICIPANTS Hong Kong designer, offers design services, with a registered BRAND and substantial operation in Hong Kong. It is at Hong Kong Atelier Screening Panel’s discretion to accept or reject any applications.  INDUSTRYProduct,Graphic,Packaging and Interior Design ORGANISERHong Kong Trade Development Council SPONSORCreate Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionPARTICIPANTS Hong Kong designer, offers design services, with a registered BRAND and substantial operation in Hong Kong. It is at Hong Kong Atelier Screening Panel’s discretion to accept or reject any applications.  INDUSTRYProduct,Graphic,Packaging and Interior Design ORGANISERHong Kong Trade Development Council SPONSORCreate Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region